Why Use Executive Search Specialists For Your Key Hires?


It has been estimated that unfilled vacancies are costing the UK economy £18bn per year. Although this is a staggering amount it comes as no surprise when certain technology vacancies are taking months to fill and the search process can be fraught with difficulties.

Issues from sourcing, attraction, engagement and confirmation that your target is the best available candidate for the job is all very time consuming, labour intensive and in many cases emotionally draining for the business.

As Indeed reports, these empty seats “illustrate the growing importance of building a strategic recruitment function to hire quickly and efficiently, and find the right fit for each role.”

Identifying the right people for your business is a key investment so why leave it to random chance?

Many companies feel they increase their chances of finding the right candidate by placing the vacancy with a number of agencies. This can be a mistake.

Too many companies burn through the available talent in the market by engaging multiple agencies, and all too quickly all the candidates that you might have considered have been spoken to and rejected, with the expectation that the next best candidate will be just around the corner. The agencies quickly become disillusioned and drop your vacancy down the priority list and leave you with an unresolved problem.

When you have more than one agency competing to get to a finite resource first, the effects on how your vacancy is perceived by the industry and your target candidates can be very damaging for you as an employer. Once a potential candidate has been spoken to more than once about a vacancy, they get the impression that you are desperate, or that everyone is being spoken to about the vacancy. This can be highly off-putting especially when the candidate has highly sought after niche skills or expertise.

Hiring an executive search specialist to run the recruitment project for you is often the best way forward.

Of course everybody has access to candidates; online job boards, social media and candidate databases have ensured this. However, what businesses often forget is that the expertise does not lie in just finding the candidates; it lies in finding the right one. It is in matching the right candidates to the right opportunities, their approach to the candidate, and in persuading them that the vacancy might be one that would interest them. It is this expertise which you pay for.

So what is a retained executive search exactly?

This is a process, where the client engages a consultant for a specific recruitment need, where part of the fee is paid on engagement and a full assignment brief is taken by meeting with the client. This allows the consultant to ascertain detailed specifics about the ideal candidate from technical skills, through to personality traits and background.

This involves actively researching the market to identify individuals within “target companies” normally competitor companies, although the targets are actually defined in the meeting with client.

Once a list of individuals with the right background has been created, the consultant will actively make contact with them to ascertain a level of interest in the role. The consultant will then personally interview each one to draw up a shortlist of 3-4 ideally (sometimes more) to present to the client.

The consultant presents the client with the best 3-4 available candidates in their industry along with interview notes and information about each individual’s background. The key benefit of this is that both client and candidate is better prepared than they would be if they had just received a CV with no supporting information.

The consultant’s job is then to manage the recruitment process from there on, arranging interviews, collating feedback and ensuring both parties are kept informed and up to date with developments.

Final fee is due on candidate start date (or written acceptance of offer depending on terms).

This is a far more in-depth process than traditional agency recruiting and the biggest advantage is the fact that it allows the recruiter to provide their clients with candidates that are not on the active job market. Another advantage is the level of “due diligence” provided by the recruiter is much greater as they have formally interviewed each candidate rather than just conducted a brief telephone screening exercise. This process protects your brand and company reputation as you only have 1 company discussing you, so it is easier to promote a consistent message. It allows you to work in depth with one agency, rather than finding the time to work with 6.

It also allows the agency to put more time, resources and efforts into our work for you compared with a contingency recruitment exercise. For example, our agreements allow us to offer clients a fixed fee and to break this up into 3 parts easing your cash flow.

4 Simple Steps

If you are considering using a retained executive search process to fulfil your recruitment needs, here are our 4 key steps to successful executive search recruitment.

1) Select 1 specific recruiter or consultancy with a proven track record of helping businesses in your specific sector to hire top talent to your vacancy

2) Meet with them to discuss the vacancy

3) Allow them to design the strategy (usually this will involve advertising, database search, other search activities, referrals etc.)

4) Work with them to create a universe list of potential candidates and source sites.

Enigma People are an award winning executive search consultancy. If you would like to work with us on retained executive search basis, or otherwise, contact Ben Hanley on 0141 332 4422 or bhanley@enigmapeople.com

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5 Things To Do Before Contacting A Recruiter

Many technology businesses struggle to find and recruit great employees even when unemployment rates are relatively high. The lack of access to the right talent and the time taken to hire are driving up recruitment costs, (£270 million to be exact) and much of this can be avoided!

When recruiting is something you only do occasionally it’s easy to get overwhelmed, and the threat of endless hours spent searching for, and responding to candidates, can make recruitment a massive headache. It is easy to see why using a recruitment consultancy is so attractive, and in many cases essential.

Before you do contact a recruiter however, follow these 5 simple steps to save your business, and the recruiter, time and effort.

  1. Review and Detail a Job/ Person Description

An incredible amount of time is wasted by employers who do not know what they are looking for. Simply getting another person similar to the one who has moved on from the post, or that is currently in a parallel post, is not always the answer. Their traits and personalities don’t always need to be mirrored by the next hire for the role.

Creating a defined job or person description is easier than it sounds. However we have a template that asks you all the questions you need to think of to help pull together a complete description, and to challenge your perceptions of what you are looking for. Email us hello@enigmapeople.com or fill in your details below for your FREE guide to writing a Job Description.

  1. Ask and Reward Existing Employees For Referrals

Many companies operate a staff referral bonus, whereby a bonus is paid often in 2 parts – when the candidate has passed probation and when the candidate has worked with the company for 1 year.

Email us hello@enigmapeople.com or fill in your details below for a sample Employee Referral Scheme.

  1. Utilise Friends and Family Network

A referral from someone you know is often of use, and sometimes from the most unlikely source!

  1. Advertise Vacancies For Free

Utilise free job boards which are already out there including ScotlandIS and Talent Scotland, amongst your own Social Media networks, (company LinkedIn pages, groups or Twitter).

It is worth considering that if these free tools are not working, why would you then pay to advertise? Many job boards have seen a steady decline in traffic and the job audience you seek is now very passive, thus less likely to be looking at your paid for adverts.

  1. Use The Job Centre

Again a free to use service, where you could just catch someone at the start of their job search!

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Enigma People have been consistently recognised for our recruitment services (having just been shortlisted by s1 Awards for the 4th consecutive year for Best Small Recruitment Company). If you are still struggling to attract the right candidates for your vacancies, give us a call on 0141 332 4422!

For a free guide to writing Job Descriptions and Employee Referral Schemes fill in your details below and we will send you them right over!

The Enigma Weekly Roundup | 5th September 2014

We bring you a roundup of the best technology, recruitment and business news from the past 7 days:

For all the latest news, industry updates and technology vacancies follow Enigma People Solutions on LinkedIn and Twitter @enigmapeople

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The Enigma Weekly Roundup | 8th August 2014

We bring you the best technology, business and digital news from the past 7 days:


For all the latest news, industry updates and technology vacancies follow Enigma People Solutions on LinkedIn and Twitter @enigmapeople

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The Enigma Weekly Roundup | 11th July 2014

We bring you the best technology, business and digital news from the past 7 days:
Police officers patrol at a security gate inside the main terminal of Frankfurt Airport July 3

For the latest Digital Media, Electronics, Software Development and Sales & Marketing vacancies, industry news and updates follow Enigma People Solutions on LinkedIn and Twitter @enigmapeople!

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Performance Coaching for Success – Glasgow SME Seminar

We recently held our ‘Performance Coaching for Success’ seminar in Glasgow. This was the first in a series of events Enigma People Solutions will be hosting to support SME’s and businesses in the community. We aim to deliver a number of similar seminars on various topics such as “Recruiting for Success” and “Managing the Recruitment Process” and are rather excited about our new projects 🙂

Last weeks seminar was aimed at SME’s in Scotland who may be growing their teams or looking to do so in the near future. By offering access to free coaching on managing employee performance we hope to help you:

  • improve overall company performance
  • determine when and how to provide employees with effective feedback, to get the best out of your people and boost productivity
  • effectively conduct performance reviews in a way which adds value to you and employees leading to improved staff retention levels
  • Opportunity to discuss any ‘people’ related topic, big or small

The seminar itself was kept small and intimate to give attendees the best access to experienced HR leader Sarah Prasad and we are so pleased to have had some great feedback!

Well presented and comfortably pitched”   “Good session”

If you were unable to make the seminar then Sarah’s presentation can be found here:

Performance Coaching for Success

We will be running this same event in Edinburgh on Wednesday 20th August! Further details on this event to follow, however to register your interest please email:

anndeep@enigmapeople.com or call me on 0141 332 4422

In the meantime for career advice, latest technology vacancies and news updates follow Enigma People Solutions on LinkedIn and Twitter @enigmapeople.com

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The Enigma Weekly Roundup|13th June 2014

For the latest technology, digital media, electronics and software development vacancies please follow Enigma People Solutions on LinkedIn and Twitter @enigmapeople

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The Enigma Weekly Roundup| 30th May 2014

We bring you the best technology, business and digital news from the past 7 days:

For the latest news, vacancies and industry updates follow Enigma People Solutions on LinkedIn and Twitter @enigmapeople

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s1 Recruitment Awards 2014

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With a massive thank you to the candidates that we have worked with, Enigma People Solutions was shortlisted for Best Small Recruitment Consultancy at the s1 Recruitment Awards. The awards ceremony took place Thursday 17th April at Glasgow’s Oran Mor. Although we didn’t win on the night it was a great achievement to be shortlisted this year, especially given the changes to the business and to the team over the past year.

As you may know, Enigma has had an eventful year, with an overhaul of the team and a new approach to serving our clients and candidates. It is a fantastic achievement in itself to overcome these change and to consistently provide an excellent level of service, which s1 users have recognised and voted for us to get nominated and then shortlisted in this years awards.

The s1 Recruitment Awards 2014 are now in their third year and Enigma People Solutions has been recognised as one of Scotlands top recruitment companies each year, having been nominated in 2012 and then winning runner up Best Small Recruitment Company in 2013.

This years awards was an event the team were really looking forward to and was the perfect setting for what turned out to be a fantastic night and the ideal way to kick off the Easter long weekend. Champagne in hand, guests were invited to enjoy a delicious dinner and laugh the night away with the night’s entertainment which came in the form of Glasgow funny man Larry Deans. Adding to the excitement was BBC news reader Catriona Shearer hosting the event, Director David Mains being on the judging panel, and the after party in Oran Mor’s downstairs club venue.

We would like to wish all the winners on the night a massive congratulations on their achievements and also thank the candidates, clients and friends for the support and votes to achieve our nomination!

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“Let me take a selfie…”



Dont forget to follow Enigma People Solutions on LinkedIn and Twitter @enigmapeople for the latest news and updates…

The 3 Most Common Lies Told In Job Descriptions

Looking for your next role? Here are some of the most common, and most unnecessary, lies on job descriptions to look out for.

Enigma People Solutions

by Christina Marie Riley

Last week we revealed the 3 most common lies told on a CV. We felt a bit bad for putting the blame on the candidates, so we thought we’d flip the argument over to the side of the employers. Everybody makes mistakes! (Don’t worry, we’ll get to us…)

Job descriptions, while giving a general overview of a role, are not always entirely accurate. Here are some of the most common, and most unnecessary, lies that they tell.

1. Fun environment
Employers will always put this into a job description to entice people to the role, but unless people are jumping on trampolines in the staff room and every day is Donut Day, they’re probably overselling it. The thing about this lie is that there’s absolutely no need for it. People who have experience in almost any working environment know that it isn’t always fun. Don’t pretend…

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